ADT team rescues animals from clandestine zoo.

chien hond dog adt rescue animal disaster zoo

During this intervention, the Animal Disaster Team (ADT) responded to an urgent call from Help Animals, concerning an illegal zoo in Houyet. The rescue put an end to the illegal keeping of several animals, including servals, buffaloes and antelopes. Dogs, also kept in deplorable conditions, were also discovered on the premises.

On arrival, ADT team members were confronted with a heartbreaking scene: starving, stressed and terrified animals. Without missing a beat, they took charge of the suffering creatures and transferred them to Sans Collier ASBL, where they now receive the care they need to get back on their feet.

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We never know when a disaster may strike or when animals will need to be rescued. However, one thing we do know is that we need to be prepared when it happens. Thanks to your support, our efforts in preparation, rescue and assistance are made possible.

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