ADT works with firefighters and VUSC to protect animals.

adt pompiers brandweer animal animaux firefighters rescue sauvetage

When it comes to rescuing animals in crisis situations, every second counts. That's why the Animal Disaster Team (ADT) engages in collaborative exercises with firefighters and Emergency Veterinarians for Rescue and Disasters (VUSC) to hone their skills and be ready to act quickly when animals are in distress. These simulations are crucial to ensuring that our teams can intervene effectively when it comes to rescuing animals.

The Challenge: During our last exercise with firefighters from the Gembloux station of the NAGE rescue zone, we were faced with a scenario in which a horse was involved in a road accident. In this simulation, animal mannequins were used to recreate as realistic a situation as possible.

Together, we worked closely to coordinate the safe extraction of the horse. This experience highlighted the importance of coordination between the different teams involved in animal rescue operations. Each participant contributed his or her unique expertise to ensure the animal's well-being and the safety of all involved.

Animal rescue exercises like this one demonstrate the ongoing commitment of ADT and its partners to the protection and rescue of animals in critical situations. Thanks to these joint efforts, we are better prepared to face the challenges ahead, and to ensure the safety and well-being of our furry, feathered, and scaly companions when they need it most.

Support our project

We never know when a disaster may strike or when animals will need to be rescued. However, one thing we do know is that we need to be prepared when it happens. Thanks to your support, our efforts in preparation, rescue and assistance are made possible.

Your donation enables our team to keep responding to emergency calls and save animals in critical situations. 

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