
Over the past two weekends, our team has had the enriching opportunity to participate in several significant events that have strengthened our collaborations with our partners.

We were honored to participate in the activities organized by the firefighters of the Val de Sambre rescue zone. We took this opportunity to present our animal rescue initiatives and discuss how we can best work together to save animals.

The week before, we joined the Equi-rêve team for their open day. We had the chance to share precious moments with the participants and help promote our relationship.

Finally, we took part in the 20 kilometers of Brussels. This initiative brought together runners committed to a noble cause: supporting ADT and its actions in favor of animals.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all those who took part in these events and helped make each initiative a success.


Support our project

We never know when a disaster may strike or when animals will need to be rescued. However, one thing we do know is that we need to be prepared when it happens. Thanks to your support, our efforts in preparation, rescue and assistance are made possible.

Your donation enables our team to keep responding to emergency calls and save animals in critical situations. 

Donate now and help us save animals

If you wish to donate by bank transfer:

BE18 0019 5443 0465