Rescue of 3 billy goats abandoned by their sick owner.

Bok bouc rescue adt sauvetage redding

The dedicated ADT - Animal Disaster Team responded to an urgent call to rescue three billy goats that had been neglected by a sick person living alone in La Louvière.

These poor animals had endured over a week without being fed, a direct consequence of their owner's failing health. Wandering into the neighbor's garden, they attracted the attention of kind souls who immediately alerted the appropriate services.

On site, our teams were confronted with deplorable living conditions for these goats. Forced to survive on a terrain littered with garbage and scrap metal, these animals were in desperate need of help. The sad picture also included hens and geese, sharing the same neglected environment, who were also rescued by the association Le Bonheur de Vica.

Thanks to our prompt intervention, the billy goats were brought to safety and are now in safe hands. The ADT team made sure they received the care and attention they needed.

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We never know when a disaster may strike or when animals will need to be rescued. However, one thing we do know is that we need to be prepared when it happens. Thanks to your support, our efforts in preparation, rescue and assistance are made possible.

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