Rescue missions in support of shelters.

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The Animal Disaster Team's unwavering commitment to animal welfare was recently highlighted by a life-saving intervention in support of shelters. From Malonne to Mouscron, the team mobilized to rescue dogs from illegal breeding and roosters abandoned in deplorable conditions.

Rescue for abused dogs:

The Animal Disaster Team discovered dogs living in inhumane conditions, trapped in a clandestine breeding facility in Malonne. The animals were confronted with unhealthy environments, forced to subsist on whole rabbits for meals. This shocking reality underlines the crucial importance of rapid intervention in such situations.

The ordeal of the abandoned roosters:

In Mouscron, roosters were found abandoned in the middle of a rubbish dump that had become their sad refuge. Struggling to survive among toxic detritus, these birds were forced to feed on harmful waste. Their condition highlights the devastating consequences of abandonment and neglect.

Shelters such as Sans Collier, Spa de Mouscron and Spa La Louvière played an essential role in this rescue operation. In collaboration with the Animal Disaster Team, they ensured the safety and well-being of the rescued animals. This collaboration demonstrates the power of unity to bring about significant change in the lives of these vulnerable animals.

Support our project

We never know when a disaster may strike or when animals will need to be rescued. However, one thing we do know is that we need to be prepared when it happens. Thanks to your support, our efforts in preparation, rescue and assistance are made possible.

Your donation enables our team to keep responding to emergency calls and save animals in critical situations. 

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